

Polaroid Art

Celebrating independence day
 Recently I have been looking through some of my polaroid pictures and I thought that I could actually post some of them here. They look sort of older then they really are. I own my polaroid camera for maybe 3 or 4 years and I really like taking pictures with it since you never know what will come out.

charming birthday present from my friends ;)
.... without the cream on the face 
Only dumm people look at the finger

A Box: nothing more, nothing less

Fucker toe



  1. o tu siaubia, kokio kietumo nuotraukos, ypač ta su Dome, atrodo, kaip būtų daryta kokiais 80'siais hipiškoj jaunystėj, o iš tiesų tai vakar. Nuostabu, toliau tokių nepaprastų idėjų.

  2. ha, atrodo kad darytos 80' nes su siukslem nuskenuota;D bet jo.. man irgi patinka, taip kad darysim daugiau avangardo!
