


Writing isn't something I'm good at. Mainly it's because you need grammar to write just abpout anything.
I wanted to write something about the world, but everything that pops up in my mind about this subjects is really cliché like "...according to wikipedea it's estimated that on earth live about 7 billion people ...." really now?
I guess the earth it self is an enigma. I mean how do you really know that the earth has a hot, dense kinda fluid-ish lava-ish thing as a core ?
We don't. There. I said it.
If I would live in the middle ages I would probably be dead by now.
 Good that if people from the middle ages would live nowadays they would be dead by now as well. Our air sucks. :)


  1. Rašyme gal ir ne pati geriausia, bet nusišnekėjime tobula! Sėkmės, lauksiu naujo posto! ;}
